Algreen Agua 50-Gallon Rain Collection System

Algreen Agua Decorative Rain Barrel with Spout, Hose and Decorative Planter on Top

The Algreen Agua Rain Barrel is a classic ceramic-looking rain barrel garden, but it is actually made of a durable roto molded plastic – so it only weighs 13 lbs!

This is not your generic plastic flower pot, though. It’s tough. In fact, it won’t crack, chip or fade.

I really love these modern garden containers that combine long-lasting durability with lightweight ease.

How Will the Algreen Agua Look in Your Yard?

The Algreen Agua comes in neutral colors of either brown or terra cotta and fits with virtually any home style. The general consensus among customers is that the planters don’t look like plastic, due to the realistic coloring and ability to have plants growing over the edge, like ivy.

water barrel with ivy

Similar to water features that are created from large ceramic pots, these rain collectors can blend into your landscape. You can plant vegetation or add river rock around the base. In addition, you can plant flowers or dangling vines from the top.

The container measures 23″ wide x 23″ long x 33″ tall. Therefore, you only need a 2-foot square area to set it up. At the same time, the height is tall enough for a nice flower arrangement.

On top of being lightweight and easy to position in place, the Algreen Agua comes pretty much all set up and ready to go. It includes a screen guard to keep debris out and an attached 4-foot hose with shut-off valve.

Plus, you get a planting container on top. You just need an inline downspout diverter or a DiverterPro Kit. Note: Some customers prefer the larger 65-gallon version because it has a sturdier structure. Plus, it includes a brass spigot in addition to a 6-foot hose. 

So Why Use a Rain Barrel as a Planter?

Many decorative rain barrels that are designed to look like terra cotta urns, wine barrels or ceramic planters are actually made from a plastic resin. This is a lightweight yet durable material that holds up to cracking, fading and all sorts of weather elements.

Yet, while being strong and sturdy, these giant 40-50 gallon planters weigh only 13-20 pounds! This means that they are easy to move and re-position. (heavy planters have always been a pet peeve of mine when doing garden landscaping).

Furthermore, since these rain barrel gardens contain a built-in top planter, you don’t need to fill the entire urn with soil – or find a smaller container to fit inside it. Everything is self-contained, easy-to-use and ready to go when you buy it.

This video shows the average size of these garden urns and demonstrates how easy they are to use:

On top of all this, you are likely to pay less for one of these decorative rain barrels than you would a heavy ceramic planter that you have to pick up and haul from your local garden center. Most 50-gallon al-in-one containers run around $100-150 (and they usually give you free shipping). This is a great option, and most people don’t even know it exists!

Large urns or ceramic pottery make attractive focal points in a backyard without costing a lot of money. They can add a lot of style to your home while being very low maintenance – and if you decide to use them to collect rainwater as well, they can also be extremely functional and save you money on your water bill.

The Rain Wizard Rain Barrel Urn comes in 8 different colors, including terra cotta, granite, sandstone, oak and more. It is larger (26″ x 25″ x 36″ tall), so it weighs a little more – 24.5 lbs.

Now, if you want a really big giant garden urn, you can get an 80-gallon monster that s 51″ tall – but it only weighs 27 pounds. You can check out a picture of it here


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The Easy, Low-Cost Way to Direct Rainwater from Your Gutters to Your Rain Barrel, Also Includes High-Flow Hose. Limited Time Price